Picture from last April’s Skagit Valley Tulip Fest
This one is for all you photographers out there and is half something I’ve been meaning to do for a long time, and half a complete copy from Tara’s weekly photo gallery on her fabulous blog Sticky Fingers.
Some of you may remember that, back in the day, I used to write a blog full of seasonal fun and jollity called The Year of Living Gorgeously , and that we held a monthly photography competition, which celebrated every month of the year through photography.
Well, we stopped writing the blog but I loved doing the photography competition and have been looking for a way to revive it. Tara’s idea seems to work very well. Over the course of the month post up your photograph of the month on your blog (if you don’t have a blog, send me your photo and I’ll post it up here) and at the end of the month I’ll set up one of those McLinky things here, so we can see all your beautiful images.
So, get your thinking caps on. What does April mean to you? Is it Easter? Or Spring? (Or Autumn in your hemisphere?) Does it conjure up a particular food, or flower or view? Or maybe a celebration, a birthday or a local event. Or perhaps a hobby or pastime or craft that you particularly indulge in round this time of the year.
If you were making a really personal April calendar what would your April photo be?