Quick! *Rushes to get the March update in before April*
Spring has indeed sprung and the garden is looking fab at the moment. All the back-breaking effort in the autumn (oh my goodness, I nearly said ‘Fall’), planting daffodil and tulip bulbs is really paying off.
The star of the show is the shade garden at the back under the tree, which is bursting with daffodils and hellebores. Hellebores, how much do I love you.
The first tulips also bloomed this weekend – a sweet lipstick pink called (I think, I forgot to make a note) Elizabeth Arden. You’ll notice that I’ve put in a wigwam to grow peas though nothing much is happening a present. There’s parsley, rocket, red oak leaf lettuce and broccoli for harvesting in the little vegetable patch though, and the Minx and I recently sowed carrots, radishes, spring onions and more lettuces.
The tulips in my pots are looking beautiful already, I just love them next to the watercolour-splashed pansies, which have been going strong all winter.
Next month I foresee painting in my stars. I ordered these Adirondack chairs off Ebay hoping that the colours wouldn’t be quite as sickly as they looked on screen and lo and behold they look exactly like the Easter Bunny has just barfed all over the patio.
Love the garden with the pavers around the plants, looks fantastic!
Your garden looks so fabulous, I can’t wait for mine to catch up! xo, suzy
beautiful. Loved your photos on the other site too.
Your garden looks so English and gorgeous
mmmm – dig them hellebores (or rather, don’t because they resent root disturbance)
Now that is useful to know..