I was sad to hear that Polaroid was no longer going to make cameras or film, because somewhere deep down I had a vision of myself one day taking gorgeous photos like these.
Digital cameras just can’t get close to this sort of softness and subtlety. Of course now I want one more than ever.
The photos come from Jen of Fieryeyed Photography who writes the blog Nectar & Light – truly one of the most beautiful blogs on the web.
Jen also runs a monthly photoswap through her site The Photo Trade. The rules are simple. Give her your name and address and she will tell you the monthly theme and match you up with your swapees. Get your picture in the post before the end of the month and then wait for the postman to deliver wondrous things.
I joined in for the first time this month and this is what I sent to Susannah on the theme ‘Morning Ritual’ (I’m very glad that I didn’t know beforehand that she is a freelance photographer).
And these are what I got back from Christine, which are currently looking very beautiful thank you on my inspiration board.
I think there was a teensy bit of confusion on the monthly theme, as I was told ‘Morning Ritual’ but lots of other people had ‘Green’.
Anyway, you’ve got until April 4th to sign up for this month’s swap, which is on the theme ‘A Faerie Tale Told’.
Updating to say that my breadbin photo made ‘Explore‘ on Flickr! The first time anything I’ve taken has done so.
I remember having to run backward and forward to the client with polaroids in the days before digital cameras when I used to do set design and art direction. So my memories of Polaroids aren’t so romantic.
I like the egg photo!