I’m not a huge believer in resolutions, though I do like the idea of taking stock and making ideas and plans for the year ahead at the beginning of January. In fact this year I’ve decided that my new year will start on January 6th, as we’re still in full Christmas mode here – the Minx is home from school, the Christmas decorations will stay up until Twelfth Night and we still have various gatherings and activities planned.
Detailed resolutions don’t seem to work for me but I like the idea of choosing areas of focus for the year. Last year was The Year of Photography, The Year of Getting Fit and The Year of Getting Organised and I’d say I achieved one out of three (the photography), though I did make progress on the other two (and yes I DID tidy my desk). So this year is going to be The Year of Marketing (this blog is going to be a big part of that) and the Year of Getting Fit/Getting Organised 2.0.
I also love the idea of choosing a word of the year though I’ve never done it before. This year though, my word chose me.
I hit a big birthday at the tail end of last year and decided to give myself the present of a life coach and have been working with the inimitable Susan Hyatt. Though I’m very grateful for my lovely life and know I’m so much luckier than most, I wanted help with the stress, adrenal fatigue and insomnia which laid me so low this time last year and also help with building my new photography business.
We’re just starting the process and it’s been a fascinating so far, though there is still a lot to do. But the one thing coming out loud and clear so far is that I don’t stop enough to smell the roses and just ENJOY the simple things of life. That instead of rushing around from place to place that I should take the trouble to stop and just BE.
I got back from Whistler to find that Susan had sent me a special word charm necklace that she had commissioned from her best friend, jeweler Frances Cadora from Studio Fran, who makes the most spectacular one-off hammered silver pieces (I do LOVE my friends, but how lovely to have a tame jeweller at one’s disposal).
I was a bit teeny bit sceptical about someone else choosing my word, how could they know better than me?
But Susan did. She chose the word DELICIOUS and it is perfect and wonderful and feels just right. (I also feel honoured as she runs a fabulous online program called ‘Life is Delicious’ so it feels like she is lending me HER word).
So 2014 is the year that I look for deliciousness – in food, in photography and in life in general.
Have you chosen a word of the year? Or an area of focus? Or are you sticking with old fashioned resolutions? Or are you perfect just the way you are? And if you want to commission Fran to make you your own word charm necklace for the year then I’m sure she’d be delighted to hear from you. (Oh and even her gift boxes are beautiful, handmade and covered with gold leaf).
So do I! Thank you again!
Wow, I really like this idea! I’ve used a similar approach and used the new year to plan the things I want to do to build on the changes I’ve made last year. If I had to choose a word I’d say it’s home, I’m happiest there and I want to do more with our home to make it even more so.
Home is a lovely one.
Happy belated birthday, Paola.
Hmm, deliciousness. I’m particularly curious to read what deliciousness looks like in marketing!