I did it! She has a face. And it’s not too ugly.
I still have to embroider on her eyelashes, nose and smile etc. and knit her ears, so there’s plenty of scope yet for me to balls it up, but for the moment I’m quitting while I’m ahead and working on her tail and panties (!)
Still tons to do before Christmas though.
i can’t explain how much i love this project. it’s so freakin’ awesome my little heart starts to race when i see it. for realz! good job mama and i bet the minx will LOVE it!!
I am making the same monkey for my niece for Christmas. And everytime I see yours vs mine, I feel a little envious. 🙂 My monkey’s face is very awkward and kind of is constantly looking up instead of straight ahead, and I can’t figure out what I did.
I just hope my niece likes a monkey with character 🙂
FWIW Sarah I just looked at your blog and I couldn’t see much difference between yours and mine. Is it just a case of stuffing distribution? It seemed to really come together when I got the eyes in. Took me and my friend ages while we were away to agree on the correct eye placement – it totally transforms the face.
And you’ve done a fabulous job on the ears which are currently scaring me, as I’ve been reading that they’re difficult.