Carmen Banana finally has clothes!
Here she is lying seductively on our hotel bed while wearing her delicately embroidered undergarments. I cannot tell you with words, by the way, how much I suck at embroidery. Those took a LOOOOONNNNNNGGGGG time.
Here she is admiring the view from our Whistler condo during a whiteout. Carmen don’t do it!
And here she is wearing her Christmas party dress. My goodness but this was a labour of love. The end ruffle, where I had to knit about 250 teeny tiny stitches and then DOUBLE them and then DOUBLE them again, leaving me with about a thousand little stitches to cast off nearly blew my mind.
She may have clothes, but what she doesn’t have are the ears, embroidered features, jewellery, handbag and hat I’d planned for her. It’s really going down to the wire, but for the moment, I’m off to go swimming in the snow and then to decorate a gingerbread houses with the pastry chef from Chateau Whistler.
Oh and yesterday I ticked something off my 101 List. Pics tomorrow.
i am in love with that dress. nice work, lady!! 😀
That is the cutest thing in the entire universe.
That is actually v stunning.