The air is buzzing with excitement (the Minx) and panic (moi).
The enormous Advent calendar stuffed full of tantalising little packages, which was sent by the Minx’s lovely godparents, is hanging up and revealing its secrets.
Christmas decorations courtesy of the Minx (with help from me on the actual cutting) are starting to go up
(for real proper grown up snowflakes check out Uncle Beefy, take a look at this incredible gallery of real snowflakes or make some on your computer here – the Minx and I have been having tons of fun with this little program and there’s no little tiny bits of paper to clear up afterwards).
New papier mache baubles from Crate & Barrel are on display.
And the snowflake garland I’ve been crocheting for the fireplace is now finished, blocked and ready to be starched and hung.
We’ve got a fun and festive weekend lined up. Our friend is visiting from Victoria and tomorrow we’re going to decorate the tree, do some Christmas baking, hopefully get to Urban Craft Uprising, go to a party in the evening, and then off, weather permitting, to Leavenworth on Sunday.
I hope you’re all less panicked than I am. What special things are you doing for the holidays?
Oh my, my…that is one lovely advent calendar!
I know, she’s a very lucky little girl…a big thumbs up for godmothers!
Re last bit of message – we-elll….
Still, at least no demanding friends to cater for this holiday, I suppose….
Will miss you all this year