One thing I have been able to do a lot of recently is knit.
Part of the reason for my recent knitting obsession is that it is the perfect hobby to combine with looking after a four year old. The Minx has got to the stage where I can take her to the wading pool or playground without having to be too attentive, but I still need something to stop myself internally combusting through boredom. Knitting is perfect as, unlike a book, I can keep one eye out for the Minx, chat with friends and pick it up and put it down when I need to.
Here are a couple of small finished projects, and I’m also just finishing up a cardigan, the first garment I’ve knitted for myself since I was at college, of which more anon.
My Gaia Shoulder Hug.
The lace wrap I began in Portland is still less than half way completed, mostly because it requires a lot of focused attention and is not the right sort of knitting for playground duty. But in the meantime I have finished my Noro wrap. I realise that this might not be to everyone’s taste, but I like it a lot. Not that I’ve had any chance to wear it in the recent Seattle heatwave.
Note to self: Next time you pose pretentiously for photos it might be a good idea to wear a bit of makeup.
Secondly I knit a quick pair of yoga socks for my friend Laurie who is training to be a yoga teacher. These were quick and fast and cute and I may need to make some for myself, if I ever manage to go to yoga regularly that is.
Project details as ever on my Ravelry page. Do come and be my friend.
You don’t need make-up. You look very pretty in your wrap, but it does make me sweat just thinking about knitting and knitwear in this heat. You are a brave model.
I agree with Dana. You definitely do not need make up. Your skin is gorgeous!
You’re too kind 🙂 but thanks…
I modelled a couple of weeks ago, before the heatwave really started. You’re right – it’s really not knitting weather at the moment, though I’m making some progress on my cotton blanket.