Oh I’ve have been a very naughty blogger recently. I’ve been struggling a bit keeping all the balls in the air while the Minx has been on summer vacation and to top it all Seattle has been having a mini-heatwave this summer culminating in a record-breaking temperature of 103 degrees yesterday (that’s 39.5 degrees in real money) .
I realise this is nothing compared with what many people elsewhere in the US go through, but you have to remember that most places in Seattle, including our house, don’t have air conditioning. So we’ve been getting through it with a combination of cool baths, evening swims in the lakes, sleeping in our new tent on the roofdeck, moaning about the weather and generally finding it difficult to achieve anything.
There’s some potentially exciting stuff going on in the background though, of which more later, and I’m intending to relaunch the blog somewhat when the Minx goes into full-time education starting in September! I’m such a bad mother, but I really cannot wait…
In the meantime, here are some pictures I took of the lavender festival in Sequim on the Olympic Peninsula. Sequim (pronounced ‘Squim’) is in the rainshadow of the Olympic Mountains and has a uniquely dry micro-climate for these parts, which is apparently very similar to that of Provence and has become the centre of a burgeoning lavender production area.
another stunning set of pictures Paola…
Stunning. Love these photographs.
I really didn’t copy the first comment!
Paola – just catching up on my blog reading! What incredibly beautiful pictures!! WOW! I look forward to living in your part of the world and checking some of these places out 🙂
I like the retro curved edges…
L, retro edges come with the new verson of Windows Live Writer
Liz, you’re going to LOVE it hear…
Catching up on some long overdue blog reading – these pics are gorgeous!
Great site,this information really helped me , I really appreciate it,I will visit when ever i have found the stuff That i have been searching for in all the web for, keep up the great work!
Hi there, you know these pictures are so beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh I’ve have been a very naughty blogger recently.