Shhh! Don’t Tell the Minx


Look who I caught misbehaving in my jewellery box yesterday.



And yes that is a tail you spy.




I’m cooking on gas with this now, though Carmen’s pointy earless head is freaking me out somewhat. I must get cracking on the ears, though I’ve read online that they’re tricky to get right. Working on her panties at the moment, so she will at least be decent soon.



  1. says

    hahaa. hello carmen! she’s adorable. i want one, too!!! really that’s the coolest knitted thing I’ve ever seen! you are damn talented, lady!

  2. says

    Thanks all. It’s actually not THAT hard, just a number of sock-related techniques all in one project, many of which I’ve had to look up online as I’m not that experienced a sock knitter.
    The challenge is making sure no bits of her are misshapen or ugly, which is easier said than done.

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