I love them
He loves her
– Thrilled that Slumdog won. Such an amazing film.
– When they brought the little kids on at the end I cried. Sorry.
– Thrilled also that AR Rahman won Best Score and Best Song. Seriously the soundtrack is absolutely awesome and has been playing on a loop here at mirrormirror’s intergalactic headquarters (aka my bedroom office)
– Also very glad about Sean Penn as I can’t quite manage to look at Mickey Rourke’s face.
– What am I not getting about Hugh Jackman? He leaves me stone cold.
– RDJ on the other hand was looking HAWT. Excessive drug taking is obviously good for the complexion.
Cutie pie
– Speaking of acronym people, when is SJP going to realise that she is no longer an ingenue and that people with long faces shouldn’t wear centre partings and hippie hair?
– Lots of lovely British accents on the podium tonight. How come Brits always looks so scruffy? Wouldn’t you at least get a haircut if there was a chance you were going to win an Oscar?
Scruffy Brits. You can spot them a mile off.
– Except for Kate Winslet. I swear her hair was carved out of marble. And her dress looked like armour. Scary stuff.
– Kate Winslet’s Dad should have won the ‘Best Dad’ and ‘Best Hat’ Oscars.
– ‘Best Dressed’ and ‘Funniest Person’ was Tina Fey. I adore her.
Another candidate for ‘Best Dressed’
– Hated all the frothy fishtail pouffery. And Miley Cyrus. (Why was she even there?)
Worst dressed (and Whoopi Goldberg, but she’s allowed).
– Halle Berry is just insanely beautiful.
Adored Slumdog, adored Man on Wire, loved Milk (Mickey Rourke was amazing, but there was something about the way Sean Penn disappeared into Harvey Milk…). Whizzed through the highlights this morning before turning on the radio just so I could enjoy the surprise.
You see, your opinion counts, given that I know you will actually have seen most of the films…(my opinion of Mickey Rourke is based solely on his plastic surgery)
RE SJP, I was wondering about the boobs. Has she always had those? Love her, though.
how is it that robert downey jr. looked 18-years-old? good lord. my fav dress of the night was anne hathaway’s. she’s such a babe.
Yes, SJP’s girls were rather out on a plate weren’t they? I can’t recall them before either…
And it’s interesting you should say that about Anne Hathaway, because I think she’s most peculiar looking. Her dress was nice though that in that sparkly nude way that there was a lot of this year..
Hugh Jackman is very showbiz, don’t you think? He managed to set my teeth on edge. I quite like the scruffiness of my countrymen. At least they were wearing ties. Sort of.
‘Showbiz’ is EXACTLY the right adjective for Hugh Jackman. To me it looked like he was doing one huge audition for Chicago – The Sequel. And I don’t even find him remotely sexy (Jon Stewart, on the other hand…)
And yes, English scruffiness is very endearing and made us both very nostalgic for the old country. And we did pick up a nice juicy haul of awards…
Oh, I so loved your post on the Oscars! I 100% agree with all your observations!! Especially the one with the Slumdog picture of the two stars. You can really tell he likes her A LOT!!
Miley Cyrus!!!!!!WHAT. Can’t stand that kid,and she shouldn’t even be there.
All your ugly choices of dresses was spot on.
Tina Fey was beautiful in that dress, it fit her like a glove. I also loved Anne Hathaway’s dress, even though I don’t care for her that much, she looked stunning.
Great observation on SJP too!!