OK, you’ve all got about half a day to vote for Interior Design’s Best Products of the Year.
Lots of lovely eyecandy, though I was a bit surprised at how pedestrian some of the products were and thought the actual voting site could have been better designed *cough* larger thumbnails *cough*.
Anyway here are just a few things which caught my eye
Patrick from Emma Gardner Rugs wrote to let me know about this because he’s hoping that you’ll all scurry along and vote for their gorgeous ‘Jewels in the Sand’ rug, which is indeed very voteworthy.
Emma’s Jewels is a beautiful, organic, happy rug. It gets my vote!
What strikes me most is the great use of bright color. The geometry of the various items has a lot of curvilinear elements which make the products more approachable/friendly to the eye.
The exclusive provider of Pawprint Design Services ™
Hi Suzanne,
I think that might just be me. I like bright colours and curves so that’s what I’ve chosen. There was lots of square brown stuff to vote for as well.