This looks very, very, VERY useful.
Uber-cool design blogger and web designer swissmiss has had this simple and free little To Do app built. I’ve been playing with it this morning and my productivity has already increased! (Or maybe that’s because the Minx is back at school). It looks nice, has been well thought out, has no distracting fancy bells and whistles and will soon be an iPhone app too.
My only slight quibble is with the name. Being a pretentious European with a degree in French I’m finding it very difficult to pronounce it ‘Too Doo’ as I’m meant to, but instead keep calling it Teuh Deuh in my head. This does however give it a nice Ta-da!ish quality.
{via Not Martha}
I made an iPhone app that follows a similar philosophy. If you’d like a promo code I’d be happy to let you try it! (More info