So I’ve given up watching Top Design as my Tivo had a hissy fit. Have re-recorded the missed episodes and may get round to watching them some day, though it was hardly lighting my fire.
But I digress. I understand from Becky, who blogs about TD over on Decor8, that our beloved Ms Wearstler dared to turn up on TV the other night looking like this.
Please tell me that you think she looks ridiculous and that you can’t understand either why the other judges aren’t pissing themselves laughing (though Jonathan Adler is permitting himself a smirk). I really don’t know where to begin with this outfit and its carefully studied eccentricity.
Actually I prefer the hat to the fluffy dress!!
What I LOVE Ms. “Worst”ler for is her genuine subtlty. You know that this style is coming from a place of real heart and not a “LOOK AT ME!” place. She’s a super real gal!
Are you f$#*ing kidding me with this?!! Honestly, if one doesn’t have a British or a French accent there is VERY little chance that one can pull this off! She’s monstrous!
Tamara, if you say so… 😉
Beefy, you nearly got me going then. And I think this outfit is too matchy-matchy and try hard to be eccentric in any accent.
ah, what’s jonathan smirkin’ at? He’s wearing a natty suit with sneakers and he’s not even wearing any socks – P.U.! Actually, if kelly just gave him her socks, they would both look a little more sane!
P.S. “tea cozy” – I just about fell off the couch laughing!
KW is trying to soak as much camera time as she possibly can. Maybe they should suggest that she’s a judge on Project Runway. Maybe that tea cozy is too tight and she’s forgotten that Top Design is a DESIGN SHOW! and not a fashion parade.
I heard somewhere that Kelly just shows up to wardrobe, hair and make up and tells them to do whatever they want to her. Maybe they are just goign hogwild and doing what no one else would let them do….or maybe they just don’t like her very much?
It took forever for these pictures to load, but when they finally revealed themselves it was worth the wait. Even your funny descriptions didn’t do justice the the silliness of the outfit. I laughed out loud. This woman is shrieking for attention.
sorry folks, just trying to communicate to KW in her native language.
He he! @tn Please tell us what you were saying!
LOL Laughed so hard at this post and the comments!
(So far this is looking like the high point of the season. :p )