My back is still killing me, so trying not to spend too much time at the computer. I’ve now tried Rolfing, chiropractic and acupuncture without a whole load of success. If anyone has got any good ideas on how to treat lower back pain then I’d love to hear from you – especially about practitioners in the Seattle area.
In the meantime I made a Bramley apple and raisin pie, and had a little play while making the crust.
I got a set of four different leaf shaped stamps/cutters at Williams-Sonoma a couple of years back, which I use all the time. Unfortunately they don’t have the same set for sale at the moment, but do have fall cutter sets that include at least one leaf. And you could always make a pie covered in overlapping turkeys.
I recommend physical therapy at Pilates Seattle International.
Bee-oo-ti-full pie!
Yoga works for me. Good stretching. I also like to wear those thermal patches. You can find large ones that are great across the low back. They last for hours.
Bonne chance 🙂