Crash Diet

Just to let you know that I was in a car accident on Monday.  All pretty much OK, but I’ve been taking some time to rest. I was amazed by how shocked and discombobulated I felt for a day or too afterwards and I’m still feeling rather tired and unable to concentrate.

I appear to have sustained some damage to my jaw and bit my tongue hard, so eating has been rather painful and difficult. It’s getting better and I’m having treatment, but in the meantime I’m living on a diet of Greek yogurt, mashed potato, applesauce and soup.  Please do not mention steak or crusty bread in my presence.

I hope to be back posting next Monday. Don’t miss me too much!



  1. says

    Oh my goodness. I’m delurking to say that I’m SO GLAD you’re OK. I’ve been there, and it’s very discombobulating indeed. Sending good thoughts your way…

  2. says

    Oh, Paola! I’m so glad to hear you’re okay. I’ve been in car accidents before and I know how scary and jarring to the body (and mind) they can be. Please, please take care and know that you are very loved!

  3. says

    I’m so sorry to hear about your accident. You should absolutely take it easy until you feel completely well. Car accidents are just a massive shock to the system even when they don’t result in obvious injury. I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed for your quick recovery.

  4. Stéphanie says

    Sorry to read about your accident. No wonder you feel weird for a while. Get better soon!

  5. says

    Ugh, yuck. Discombobulated is exactly the right word. I’m glad it wasn’t worse and am wishing you a speedy recovery.

  6. stephen says

    dear paula, you don’t know me, but i adore your blog and read it religiously.
    i am so sorry about your accident and i hope you are healed and restored very, very soon!
    take care!

  7. K says

    Oh! I’m so sorry to hear that! I agree with the other posters who suggest spoiling yourself with any liquid/soft treats that sound good. Feel better soon.

  8. says

    If ever there was a time for milkshakes! Go for it! I recall being in a bad accident and I couldn’t even sleep that night because my mind kept playing it over and over. It took days to stop thinking about it every two minutes. Hope you’re feeling better!

  9. says

    I’m just catching up and I’m so sorry to hear you were in a crash! I’m glad to hear you are ok, I hope you are back to normal very very soon.

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