I’m knitting some more socks. This time a rather fiendish Ginkgo pattern again from Violet Green. The pattern isn’t beyond me per se, it just requires ferocious concentration, and since I usually only knit in front of the TV, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to undo this.
Still it’s coming along slowly, and I thought it looked good with our new ‘button’ box from Habitat.
My camera is very sick (broken LED screen, focusing issues, erratic pop up flash) and has been sent to the camera hospital to get a quote for repair (which I have a horrible feeling is going to be astronomical). In the meantime I’m taking photos on my little point and click, which is not the same at all, particularly as I can’t remember how to work it. Oh I miss my camera so…
That’s impressive, since I can barely learn!
Knitting is the only craft I can do… stick with it…it just needs lots of practice…
Actually, I’m rather envious of that button box.