This picture comes courtesy of Laurie, who is wondering whether to start up a business photographing children. I am, of course, trying to persuade her she should.
Yep, the bargainous Woolies! Lexie had a different hat though because I left it a little late (morning of 31st!) and the slim pickings that were left had mainly had their hats nicked, but a nice lady found me a lovely hat and then when it got rung through the till I only got charged £6!!! Hooray!
Have a lovely time in NY.
Tooo cute and OMG that’s the Hallow’en costume Lexie wore. How funny.
From Woolies? The Minx got so many compliments on hers…and nobody had any idea where it came from.
Yep, the bargainous Woolies! Lexie had a different hat though because I left it a little late (morning of 31st!) and the slim pickings that were left had mainly had their hats nicked, but a nice lady found me a lovely hat and then when it got rung through the till I only got charged £6!!! Hooray!
Have a lovely time in NY.