Look what we saw today!

For the first time in five days, we saw some blue sky.

I must admit I’m really enjoying our view out over the Sound with all its changing moods.



  1. says

    I am in awe, and envious, that you are able to see this kind of view! I only saw red rocks and mountains today, and they weren’t even tall and huge!

  2. Lissie says

    I am forcibly reminded of the lyrics to the song Camp Grenda, in particular the final verse. Herafter will be humming words of blog posts to this tune…

  3. says

    Wow, beautiful pics.
    But yes, I know what you mean – I moved from NYC to London six years ago and have never ever gotten used to the perpetually GREY winters. Oy.
    Hope you find peace with your place soon. 🙂

  4. says

    The moss is growing fast.
    Everyone here says I must be used to weather after living in London but I swear I’ve never EVER seen rain like we had on Monday and Tuesday in London.
    However, the sun is shining this morning, so we’re off to take the monorail downtown.
    Yes, I saw that about Daily Candy – hoorah!

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