Look! The mirrormirror blog is Blog of the Week over on decor8!
Holly Becker is an interior designer from Boston, who also writes one of the most gorgeous design blogs on the web. (If you haven’t come across it yet, you’re in for a treat).
I read quite a few design blogs, but Holly is one of the people who comes closest to sharing my own taste and I’m always inspired after I’ve paid her a visit. I’ve no idea how, but she manages to post a prodigious number of posts every day, so there’s always something new and interesting to read.
Welcome to everyone popping over from ‘decor8’ – just kick off your shoes and make yourselves at home. Cup of tea and a fairy cake?
What a wonderful choice Decor 8 made in selecting your blog as blog of the week!!Congratulations!!
just read your post on Decor 8! And I’m looking forward to more wonderful posts on your Neighbourhood and your big move! I left you a note over there about a place to eat if you get homesick! I really loved London, One day I’ll be back to explore more!!!!
Oh and Mirror Mirror is Fabulous!