The countdown to Seattle has really begun.
On Friday a letting agent came round to talk about renting out our flat here in London, and today the Husband flew out to Seattle to start his new job at MSN. He’s going to be away for a week being ‘inducted’ and I’m feeling rather apprehensive.
Not so much for him you understand, but because this is the first week ever that there won’t be anyone available if necessary to pick up the pieces at the end of a long day. For the last eighteen months I’ve been able to hand over the Minx to her father as soon as he comes through the door every evening and he has fed her her supper, supervised her bath and put her to bed while I gently recover in a corner.
On top of that he’s had the last month off work altogether and we’ve all got used to having him around the place. I’m just hoping that the cries of ‘Dad-dy back?’ don’t become too insistent as I have a feeling that a certain little person is going to miss him very much. Wish me luck.
Certainly I wish you luck….but am more than a little envious of the
“For the last eighteen months I’ve been able to hand over the Minx to her father as soon as he comes through the door every evening and he has fed her her supper, supervised her bath and put her to bed while I gently recover in a corner.”
Never had that from Prince Charlie (;-p) ‘cept at weekends. For first two kidderoos, I guess I was The Husband, coming home from work , tossing off suit jacket, rolling up blouse sleeves and doing supper, bath and bed duty myself as nanny swanned off in our second car to use the gym membership benefit in kind. For the Mollster (my youngest)I did it alone…it’s not so bad really, especially if you have only yourself to cater for once she’s tucked up in her cot.
You’ll be fine…and a certain big person will be missing his girls just as much.
See you tomorrow….
Well I could probably just about cope if I wasn’t trying to run a business as well. The Husband’s trip has been spectacularly ill-timed in that it has coincided with Siobhan’s holiday, so I’m back on ‘mirrormirror’ parcel duty – and the stockroom is now in Hackney.
And I’m reminded how they told me at the nursery how careful they were to ensure that their staff worked only eight hours with an hour for lunch ‘as it’s impossible to look after children for longer than that’.
Today I will have been with the Minx for 13 hours without a break (she’s refusing to sleep this afternoon, having slept for twenty minutes this morning in her buggy).
Single mothers everywhere, I salute you.
‘as it’s impossible to look after children for longer than that’
This is undoubtedly true of other people’s children – frankly I find an hour is more than enough – somehow it’s possible to endure your own for a little longer…
Have been a bit like Camilla over last couple of years, except that the nanny is in fact the house-husband father, who disappears off to work shortly after I have staggered in in the evening. And while it is of course much easier now that the kids are no longer tiny, each seems hell-bent on saving up a complicated problem for me to solve on a nightly basis – not what I want with my G&T at all.
But you didn’t really expect sympathy from us, did you? I’d stick with making us sick with envy, which both Notting Hill and holiday posts have managed to do effortlessly.
‘But you didn’t really expect sympathy from us, did you?’
‘I’d stick with making us sick with envy, which both Notting Hill and holiday posts have managed to do effortlessly.’
Surely the point here is that I a) am no longer on holiday and b) leaving Notting Hill in 10 weeks time?
Surely the point here is that I a) am no longer on holiday and b) leaving Notting Hill in 10 weeks time?
‘Tis better to have loved and lost…. 😀
That is such a sweet photo. Makes me want to fly back from Seattle and give the girl a big kiss (and feed her dinner, bath her and put her to bed, of course).
*waves in direction of Seattle*
So how is the induction going?
PS, blog mistress. Remember, you’re not leaving Notting Hill for good, it’s still your home to return to whenever you like. And when TH is lofty Olympian computer geek god, your life will be one long traipse from boutique hotel to boutique hotel, just like Camilla… 🙂
Is that Hubby? Most importantly, is that the Minx?? A very blonde Minx? She’s adorable!
Yes, that is the Husband and the currently very blonde Minx.
Sadly there are no genes on either side of the family for blonde hair in adulthood, so I suspect it won’t be long before her hair turns a nondescript shade of brown.