We love men here at mirrormirror. Apart from the obvious, they are generally extremely good customers who buy lots of jewellery and write very nice gift messages.
The only problem is finding where they congregate. We always get lots of male customers whenever we are featured in the broadsheet newspapers but that doesn’t happen all that often, so I’m trying to think of ways to advertise directly to men (preferably rich).
So far we’ve advertised quite often on Popbitch, with good results, and have just taken out an ad on a political blog written by someone called Guido Fawkes (maybe not his real name?). Guido claims to have a readership made up of opinion formers and political commentators, though I suspect the bulk of his readership is made up of bored investment bankers and lawyers. Nevertheless I am confidently expecting John Prescott to place a bulk order for all of his mistresses very soon.
If there are any male readers of this blog, can you recommend any other blogs or websites with a predominantly male readership which might be good places for ‘mirrormirror’ to advertise?
(Speaking of male readers, my brother texted me earlier on this evening to say that he had indeed completed the Paris-Roubaix cycle ride in a time of 12 and a half hours. Am beside myself with admiration given that it’s been so hot today I couldn’t even be bothered to walk to the park).
I couldn’t get the Popbitch link to work, but it sounds intriguing!
The link should work now. Popbitch is a gossip site for people in the media industry – their weekly mailout can be very funny and the nessage board, though full of in jokes, is often first with the news.