Interesting, though rather superficial, article here discussing women in business, whether Martha is nice and whether Ruth would have won the Apprentice if she’d been a bit more girly (found via BrocanteHome).
The article ends up concluding that so many women are now setting up their own businesses a la Martha because they don’t fit into the stereotype of what corporate senior management (still mostly men) expects from women.
In my case I think that was true to an extent, but mostly I only got so far in corporate-land because I’m just not a big corporation type of person, and wouldn’t have been if I were a man either. What I find really interesting is the sheer number of women who are giving up traditional corporate careers. At the moment I’m hanging out with a whole bunch of absolutely delightful women (found via a post-natal NCT class) who have babies the same age as the Minx and who all, with very few exceptions, are in the process of rethinking their careers. These women all had what sound like glamorous and high-powered jobs but were either unable to fathom how they could combine said jobs with motherhood, or else have had to acknowledge that they were actually quite unhappy in their jobs and didn’t really want to go back.
So many women have told me that they too would love to start up their own business. I think it still represents for many that Holy Grail of flexibility and freedom from male-dominated office politics – though I’m not sure how many would still want to if they saw how little I’m earning at the moment and how often I’m up packing up orders after midnight.
Ugh. Not sure what point I’m making here. Best read the article for yourselves and let me know what you think.
Have been feeling rather grotty the last day or so. A hacking cough that seems to have taken up permanent residence in my extremely sore throat coupled with a really nauseous, churning stomach – have no idea how the two can be related. So apologies for recent lack of inspired bloggery.
I freelance therefore love the flexibility as my daughter is now 2 and a bit, but I dont love working weekends, being constantly on call just incase the client needs me and freaking out when I have too much or too little work. Going to work somewhere would be less stressful but then I couldnt go to the movies in the middle of the day if I wanted…ahhh Im never happy!!
Yep, it’s the bit about being constantly at work that I don’t like. I work on the business in the evenings, at the weekends and on the two days when the Minx is at nursery school and always feel guilty if I’m not working because there’s always just so much to do.
I know I need to get better at compartmentalising things, and I am trying to take proper time off occasionally, but I do wish they’d invent a few more hours in the day.
Do like the idea of popping out to watch a film in the middle of the day, but what do you do with your daughter?
Oh poor you, your cough/stomach sounds mean, I hope it will pass quickly.
I loved and hated being in business. I loved the creative part, but as I became more and more bogged down with finances/ tax/ non-paying clients I found my creativity was drying up and got really stressed.
I will start again but this time with the internet and the blogging community for backup.
I have been marking out things that I make which you will like for your shop but until I can pruduce them in some quantity there is no point giving myself the hassle of starting up.
I will, however, be sending you a little something, just for your own pleasure, as a parting gift when you go to Seattle :0)
Get well soon, it’s probably the stresses of the move etc. Just down a full pint of Rescue Remedy, if the ‘magic’ in it doesn’t make you feel better then the booze will.
Am so excited about the thought of a Seattle gift. Thank you! It almost makes it worth going.
And you don’t have to worry about producing in huge quantities. I much prefer to have a few of each item and then when they sell out, they sell out. Keeps those pesky customers on their toes.
But I will email.