…from outer space yadda yadda etc. etc.
It’s funny how quickly you get out of the habit of things.
After our trip to New York, I was so fiendishly busy recently trying to get everything updated on the site for Christmas (and doing lots of Thanksgiving socialising) that blogging sort of went by the wayside. And the longer I went without blogging the more difficult it seemed to get back into it. And suddenly it’s been nearly three weeks with nary a post.
It’s a shame too as the blog recently seemed to have gained a lot of traction and readership after the Design*Sponge interview and links from various other blogs, but I’m sure most of those new readers will have moved on to pastures new. Self-sabotage is a great speciality of mine.
But anyway, those of you who thought you were safe from the tedious minutiae of my life, click away NOW.
No worries as I get your post as RSS feed. When you are ready to speak, I’m always around ready to listen!
Welcome back Paola! Glad you’re posting again!
Thank goodness! I was getting a bit bored with The Mountain from an aeroplane window on my daily check to see what was happening!
Glad you’re back! I get your posts as RSS feed too so was excited to see a couple waiting today.