or it never rains, but it snows.
When we first got here and I was complaining bitterly to all and sundry about the rain, everyone told me ‘but at least it we don’t have snow here’.
Lo and behold, three and half weeks after our arrival, and after record-breaking quantities of rain, temperatures have now plummeted to record-breaking lows and massive snowstorms have been blowing in from the Arctic.
We even got a couple of inches in downtown Seattle, which is icing up nicely as temperatures haven’t been above freezing all day.
Out in the sticks things are a lot worse. Amazingly Washington state appears to be even more laughably unprepared for snow than we are in the UK, so lots of tales on the news of abandoned vehicles on the treacherous freeways, power outages and ridiculously difficult journeys to cover only a few miles.
The Husband was pleased as the Microsoft campus was closed and he got to ‘work from home’. I was pleased because we had the most gorgeous crisp blue wintry day. And the Minx was pleased because she got to wear her new wellies all day (and I mean all day, from the moment she woke up, to the moment she went to bed). They’re currently neatly arranged next to her cot.
The tree above is not real, but made of stainless steel, and is one of the exhibits in the soon-to-be opened Olympic Sculpture Park, which is being created across the road from our apartment. Unfortunately I just couldn’t capture its wonderful shininess in a photo.
Snow! How brilliant. My boy remarked to me the other night on the ridiculousness of Christmas television adverts in the UK that always seem to perpetuate the myth that it snows here at Noel. And we all know it never does!