Calorie free!
I’ve got lots of ideas bubbling around my head for when we’ve got through the Christmas rush, and one of the first big projects for next year will, I think, be introducing a new collection of kids’ stuff.
I’d love to include these wonderful knitted creatures by Donna Wilson (found via Lola is Beauty. Which are gorgeous and cuddly but not too cutesy-cutesy.
I’m also rather taken by her knitted foodstuffs, but not entirely sure what you would do with them after the initial excitement of having calorie-free doughnuts has worn off.
Cute dolls. Saw a stall in a brick lane craft market of those kinds of stuffed creatures. My Picallili also has quite a line in them – you should ask her to blog about them. They’re too cute and not quite so spindly, which, call me crazy, seem rather a choking hazard to me…