About six months too late I’ve just started doing something called Project 52.
Every week awesome commercial photographer Don Giannatti sets a real life photography challenge via Flickr and then does a weekly live online critique of all entries.
The most amazing thing of all is that it’s completely free, no commitment, no worries if you miss an assignment, nada. You just show up on Flickr with your picture and then tune in for the online critique later, together with a chat room full of hugely talented and hugely helpful fellow photographers.
This week’s theme was for a single shot that sums up the words Independence, Freedom or Celebration.
The pic above was my first attempt – a random cute kid at Seattle’s Golden Gardens beach.
I also like this shot from the same afternoon.
Come and join me on Project 52. It would be great if there were more newbies in the room.
Does this have to be done with my poc DSLR or can I use my superior iphone?
I could use a real photo challenge.
I should think you could use anything, but he’s coming at it from a professional photography POV, and trying to get people up to that level, so your images are supposed to be printworthy.
Take a look at the assigments on Flickr. I think you’d love it as they’re all designed so you can interpret them in your own way and fit your own style.
The first shot is stunning. The colors you captured are so vivid!
I consider this the finest blog I have read all this hour.