We found Palm Springs to be a surprisingly fun, lively and pedestrian-friendly place to stroll about in, especially early in the morning and in the evenings when it wasn’t too hot.
There’s quirky art to be found and palm trees (of course) and enough blue sky and bougainvilleas to make up for months of grey Seattle skies.
Foodwise we can highly recommend Cheeky’s for breakfast, Matchbox for pizza and Las Casuelas for Mexican (with ENORMOUS portions) and Palm Springs Fudge & Chocolates for great ice cream and the most superb date shake (how did live without date shakes in my life? must try and recreate them in Seattle).
I regretted not seeing more of the architecture than we managed. We bought a $5 selfdrive map of Palm Springs Modern architecture at the (gorgeous) Visitor Center and drove about the town for an hour or so one afternoon. It was all faintly frustrating though, as many of the nicest looking properties were on private roads and of course we couldn’t get to see the insides of the houses beyond the bougainvillea hedges.
Highlights included the former Wamu (now Chase) building, the Del Marcos hotel, City Hall, the Visitor Center, the Bank of America building and the Visitor Center itself, which is a converted mid-century gas station. I’ve also no idea how authentic it is, but the KFC (with the red struts below) was the coolest we’ve ever seen.
{All photos copyright Paola Thomas 2010}
When the Minx is a little older we’ll try and plan a trip for Modernism week. In the meantime there’s a fabulous review of Elvis’ honeymoon hideaway (which we didn’t get to this time round) here and a discussion of the whereabouts of the fabulous Palm Springs house shown in Mad Men (with great screen caps), which sadly doesn’t seem to be in Palm Springs at all, here.
(See my review of the Ace Hotel & Swim Club, Palm Springs here}
Looks like you had tons of FUN! I sent this to a friend who lives in PS — she’s always talking about the bougainvilleas! So pretty! 🙂
I totally LOVED reading YOUR take on PS…I’m Lisa’s friend who lives here full time. I learned some things I didn’t know! Living here full time is like being on vacation all the time! You did a great job with the photos…can’t wait for MORE! Hope you got to Joshua Tree or the Indian Canyons.
Hi Lisa and Sally, thanks for the comments! Yep, we did make it out to Joshua Tree, more photos to follow. Sally, you are very, VERY lucky…
YAY! So glad you had a blast!!
Awesome photographs Paola!
A friend recommended this website, always listen to it and I finally found this great. thanks!