Feeling poor? More month left than money?
I was too, until I discovered that this very blog is valued at a whopping $14,113.50.
My blog is worth $14,113.50.
How much is your blog worth?
Some person with too much time on their hands has analysed AOL’s acquisition of the Weblogs Inc stable of blogs, worked out how much they paid per inbound link (according to Technorati) and then applies that formula to different blogs.
Sadly my new-found riches pale into insignificance beside the $230,332.32 which Petite Anglaise is sitting on, or the $582,605 asset of the Go Fug Yourself girls; and even they are as nothing against the awesome $1,907,580.66 that Pink Is The New Blog is supposedly worth.
Thanks for all your kind comments. I’m feeling a bit better today – my temperature has gone down and the sharp pain in my side has turned into a dull ache. Still feeling wobbly though, mostly because I’ve had hardly anything to eat since Saturday night, but hoping that I’ve now turned the corner and will be able to start eating properly again.
Wish I knew what this thing was though, as I’m terrified it’s going to strike again.
Cool. Mine said $55,324.92!
Drinks are on Jessica so far!
Looks like it’s a pint of kaolin and morphine for you 🙁
Sorry to have failed on the birthday front – know any online boutiques that might sell some decent presents?
i’m sure you’re worth a good deal more than that! in fact, i’d go as far as to say that you’re a national treasure….
Sorry to hear you’re still feeling grotty (and a belated happy birthday). How do you cope when you’re ill, running the business, looking after the Minx and packing for your new life??? It exhausts me even thinking about it.
Hope you’re feeling better soon.
Hey, that’s a very good way to start. Don’t worry, with due diligence, you’ll get far or even more than what others have made. Hope you’re doing fine.
I know your blogs worth will go up.
Not much on my mind right now. I haven’t been up to anything. Today was a complete loss. That’s how it is. Not much exciting going on these days.