I can’t tell you how excited I was to see these pics go up on the AMC website.
Finally, after what seems like an eternity, Don Draper and co are finally going to be back on our screens. It really has been far, far too long.
We’ve been invited to a premiere party and I’m thinking of baking a Black Forest Gateau. I know that was considered to be the height of elegance in 60s Britain, but I’m not sure about the US. Should I be throwing Campbell’s Cream of Mushroom soup into a hotpot instead? I believe some sort of cocktail might be in order too.
I had a pet theory last season that whichever woman on the show is closest to Don’s heart ends up wearing green (watch season 4, it works!), and on that basis I’m glad to see that Don is still very fond of Joanie and Peggy and has major issues with the ex-Mrs Draper. Speaking of which, where is the soon-to-be-new Mrs Draper? My other theory is that she’s going to turn out to be a bunny boiler extraordinaire.
So questions for you. Will you be watching? Are you excited? Are you having a party? What retro 60s American food should I make? Am I the only woman in the world who doesn’t want to jump into bed with Don Draper? Which Mad Men woman are you? I’m Peggy, though my life is currently more season one Betty (without the double-life living husband).
I have never ever seen one episode.
Seriously? You have SUCH a treat in store. Though you have to watch 2-3 episodes to get properly in the groove. I envy you so much getting to watch it all for the first time.
Nazila! Get thee to a Netflix pronto! SUCH a great watch!
Now, Paola, I’d do some wretched type of aspic molded salad. Like Lime Jello with Tuna Salad and Maraschino Cherries, or whatever in god’s name they were doing back then stateside! Gag!
I don’t know what woman on Mad Men I’d be? Peggy? You tell me. And, Don Draper? I have a love/hate thing with him. But, I’ve been known to swoon on multiple occasions. Oh, wait, you asked if you were the only “woman”! Never mind. 😉
I was actually hoping to make some food that, you know, tasted GOOD.
And you’re right. I SHOULDN’T be making the assumption that all my readers are women. But I’ve thought and thought and you’re far too unique to be any of the main characters male or female. However, you are welcome to Don Draper. I find him far too hairy and I bet his mouth smells like an ashtray…
I cannot wait to see the new season!! I agree it’s been too long!! I don’t know which Mad Men woman I’d be. I like all of them (even Betty) but I think my favorite is Joannie. As for Don, I find him very attractive but I agree with you he’s too hairy and he’s a chain smoker..