I bet you’re all chewing your nails with anxiety wondering what has happened to mirrormirror recently given that I’ve hardly mentioned it at all over the last few months. (Actually the way sales have been going I reckon you’ve even forgotten it exists). I’ve hinted at stuff going on behind the scenes but haven’t been able to tell you the full story until now, when I can REVEAL. EVERYTHING. Aren’t you excited?
As you may know I have been running mirrormirror from Seattle with the help of someone back in the UK, who sends out all the orders, deals with customer and journalist queries and generally keeps the show on the road.
At the beginning of the summer my colleague Diane decided that she could no longer fit mirrormirror into a hectic freelancing schedule which increasingly involved lots of week-long business trips to the US (and who can blame her?) so I was casting around to find someone else.
To be perfectly honest I thought the chances of finding a replacement were slim to non-existent. Most of my friends back in the UK either don’t have the space or have too many work or other commitments to fit mirrormirror in and I was in no position to interview someone I’d never met before for the role.
A vague and sad plan crystallised, involving me running the shop down over the summer, hoping Diane could manage one last Christmas and then transferring everything to the US in the hopes that we’d get our green cards through quick and I could open in the US early in 2010. And after struggling so hard to keep the shop going through the Minx’s babyhood and our move to Seattle I bet you can imagine how happy this plan made me feel.
Now, I am not a believer in anything very much, but sometimes the world really does move in mysterious ways. In August this year I hooked up, through the magic of Facebook, with an old college friend and his wife who we’d lost touch with a bit following our move to Seattle. And it just transpired that said friends had moved to a big house very close to Cambridge where the mirrormirror stock was living, and my friend’s wife was casting around for something to do now that the youngest of her FOUR kids (yes, she is also crazy) is going to pre-school, and said friend’s wife is one of the nicest, most efficient and well-organised people you could ever meet. And bingo! mirrormirror is BACK.
Which is fortunate as today we just got our best bit of press coverage ever.
The Cut Steel Garland by Atelier LZC is featured prominently on the front cover of December’s Ideal Home magazine (see it on the back of the chair in front)
and also inside
while the Tree of Life is also featured in the same article
Oh, Paola, congratulations! I’m so pleased for you and mirrormirror. It is hard to see your dreams dwindle away and I’ll bet you were feeling quite sad. But now new energy and possibilities are available and the dream gathers speed. Onward mirrormirror!!
Congratulations! I’m so glad things came together, magic!
Congratulations and good luck. I am in that edition of Ideal Home, they did a feature on my spiral staircase – what a coincidence.
paola, that’s brilliant. well done you (and the universe) for finding a way!
This looks wonderful! You must be so happy!
Fantastic! It is so great that it has all come together.I’ll keep checking back.
Fantastic press. All is well that ends well then. Or restarts well.
That must be very exciting and encouraging. Congratulations!
How wonderful – things always work out for a reason!!
Off to buy Ideal Home…..