One of the very best things about this blogging lark has been coming across so many interesting and talented people in my comments box, many of whom have blogs of their own. So I have decided to instigate the hugely prestigious mirror mirror ‘Commenter of the Week’ awards.
The very first recipient of this coveted award is the highly talented Michelle Caplan, who makes the most wonderful collages from old photographs, old printed materials and other ephemera. She has a lovely blog and website and makes insightful comments about Marmite. I am thinking of commissioning a big collage from her when we move to Seattle, possibly using a photograph of my grandmother, and hope one day to be able to feature her notecards on mirror mirror.
To be considered as a ‘Commenter of the Week’ you need to be hugely interesting and talented, have a blog of your own and have commented at least once on the mirror mirror blog. Your prize will be an all-expenses paid trip to the Maldives the prestige, and a showcase in front of the mirror mirror blog’s vast readership.
I am hoping that Michelle herself will pop into the comments box to give us her winner’s speech and also tell us what she will be wearing on the red carpet.
Very cool…Michelle rocks!
Well, I am SO honored to be here! I never saw this coming! Honestly I just love mirror mirror and look to this blog for inspritation for my own blog.
To be the first Commenter of the Week is like being the first man on the moon! It’s a huge step forward for mankind! You have set the bar pretty high, and I am honor you think I am even worthy to Limbo under it!
For my trip down the red carpet I will grace you all with something NOT covered in glue . . . I may have to go shopping. Heck, I need a styist! I am obviously getting too famous to dress myself.
And as for the free years supply of Marmite that is my prize (I am assuming) I am going to use the supply to write a cookbook. How does Upside Down Marmite Cake sound??
In all seriousness, thank you Paola for this honor! I love my cyber community soooo, and am glad that the internet has brought us all together from all over the world. It really is such a small world now! 🙂
These are completely beautiful – how do you achieve this transparent overlapping effect, or would that be telling?
Thank you lissie!
I could tell you but . . . it’s my little secret!
Beautiful collages!
Ah the lovely Michelle!