Apologies for not doing a whole lot of blogging recently. I’d organised a quiet and sociable Easter break, but the coverage on the right – from the The Times’ Saturday magazine no less – featuring the Hannah Tofalos eggcups, meant that in the end mirror mirror had quite a busy weekend. Not complaining of course, but I do wish journalists would respect my social arrangements a bit more.
The thing that pleased me most was that a photo taken by me has now appeared in a national newspaper magazine. You guys would laugh to see the conditions under which most of my photos are taken. I get the best light in a corner of our bedroom for about an hour every morning. When that photo was taken the Minx’s cot was still in the bedroom and is jammed over to one side just behind the eggcups. The Minx herself finds photography fascinating and was doubtless either holding onto my legs or knocking over the tripod as I pushed the shutter.
Still, it’s pretty amazing what one can do by taking loads of photos with a reasonably good digital camera on the off-chance that one or two might turn out all right after extensive Picasa-ing. I certainly wouldn’t be able to run mirror mirror as I do if digital photography hadn’t been invented, which is quite a sobering thought.
Anyway, over the next few days we are going to discuss the V&A’s Modernism exhibition, the Bluebell railway, my Easter Eggs (yet more scope for punning egg titles, hoorah!), my weight-loss regime (quite possibly compromised by aforementioned Easter Eggs), this month’s Vogue, and possibly some design-y things as well. Bet you can’t wait.
have you seen the modernism exhibition, paola? I have tickets for next friday so will have to cover my eyes when you talk about it!
He he! Yes, we went to see Modernism on Monday.
I will label my post about it very clearly so you know when to shut your eyes, and will expect you to contribute all sorts of insightful commentary after you’ve been. Anyone reading my post hoping for insightful commentary will unfortunately be sorely disappointed as I had to spend most of my time stopping the Minx from clambering on the exhibits.