Fancy dress day at the Minx’s Sing and Sign class. The theme was ‘the sea’ so we thought we’d be original and go as pirates – the Minx as the captain and Mummy as the mate.
Daddy duly manufactured a sparkly pirate hat and off we went, to find that every single other person in the class had also turned up as a pirate (AND made a lot more effort than we had). Still a lot of fun was had by all. The hat was, of course, not worn at all, though we much enjoyed torturing her with it.
(In answer to your inevitable questions – no the Minx is nothing like the baby in ‘Meet the Fockers’. She only knows one sign, and since that is the sign for ‘hat’ I doubt very much that it is going to be much use.)
Have just seen Cally talking about the incredible costumes for her ‘Under the Sea’ party on her beautiful new blog and I am further shamed.
Vogue drops on my mat
I’m an absolute magazine junkie and keep thousands lying around, thinking that one day I’ll cut lots of inspirational pictures out of them and create fabulous mood boards to inspire and focus the buying process (which to be fair I used to do pre-Minx).
I hate to throw them away knowing that they are full of incredibly important information which will no doubt come in useful one day, but which I just don’t quite know how to use at present. (The fact that when I do find myself needing information I invariably look for it online is by-the-by).
But today marks a new beginning. As each magazine arrives in the house I’m going to scan in the things I like and then THROW IT AWAY. (The very thought is making me feel quite peculiar).
So, April’s Vogue. The whole world is clearly having Rachel Weisz moment. Vogue has a big interview and fabulous photoshoot where she is looking quite ridiculously beautiful (whereas normally she doesn’t do much for me).
Not sure about the sequins though
She’s also starring in this ad for Burberry which I rather like (though obviously not the fact that it’s Burberry.) Rather twee – for content I preferred the edginess of the Kate Moss days – but I do like the effect of photographs layered on top of each other and was thinking it would be fun to do a catalogue like that.
It’s funny that Rachel is supposed to be this classic English rose, when I think she’s the daughter of Eastern European immigrants.
Also really loved these pictures though wasn’t sure why – definitely not the clothes. Then saw that they were taken by Mario Testino which explains a lot. I like their dayglo perfection juxtaposed with the raw, blurred black and white and he makes the model seem so appealing.
Finally was rather taken with this lovely picture of beauty packaging which reminded me of these gorgeous soaps on the Decor8 blog and also our own candles from Sage Jewelry.
Oh and I found this picture rather inspirational.
11 March 2006 in Design matters | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Steely skies, bitter winds, driving rain, bare trees. But today I saw the first daffodils of Spring. Winter is over.
Taken with my phone in Battersea Park
10 March 2006 in Ramblings | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Make Mother’s Day
In between all the gadding about we’ve just managed to add some new bits and pieces to the site – kitsch but gorgeous Swarovski crystal mobile phone charms; a new fragrance of Mathias candles and bath confetti ; a lovely white beaded lariat necklace (perfect for this season’s white mania), a small butterfly bowl by Mizuyo Yamashita, a new tea towel design from Atelier LZC and the crystal Peacock bracelet by Darling It’s Perfect.
We’ve also set up a page of Mother’s Day gift ideas (so now there’s no excuse to get her a boring old bunch of daffs) including three new themed gift sets – Yummy Mummy (for the mummy who loves to cook), Mamma Mia (for the mummy who loves to garden) and Groovy Mama (for the mummy who loves to shop).
Hope these help you all spoil your mothers rotten. (Now that I am one, I have finally realised that mothers are indeed HEROINES).
“Fancy dress day at the Minx’s Sing and Sign class”
“remembers vividly why she left London.”
Much love,
Doesn’t this comment count as plagiarism?
is it OK if I sign my reply?
No, I don’t want Lulu learning that particular sign.